Monday 30 May 2016

Lara Secondary College Connections Students

Each week in 3/4T and across the school we welcome Year 9 students into our classrooms.  In 3/4T we welcome Maddi, Flynn and Daniel.  They are proving to be very helpful assistants across our mornings.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Congratulations 3/4T and Prep B

These students presented an awesome assembly item last Friday.  Everyone should be so proud of their efforts!  The video is available on our website if you would like an encore viewing!

3/4V Attendance award winners

3/4V won the Attendance Award again last week.  Congratulations to that class for having the fewest absences over that week.

Winding up our Inquiry "Feathers, fur or leaves?!"

All of our classes are finishing up our most recent Inquiry.  With some doing class speeches, play doh creatures, posters, information texts or diorama's it has indeed been a great Inquiry!

Friday 13 May 2016

A fabulous day at Serendip 

3/4T and 3/4C enjoyed a wonderful day at Serendip on Friday!!  Thanks to the beautiful weather, fantastic parent attendance, Ranger Vanessa and all of the animals and children, we continued our Inquiry 'Feathers, Fur or leaves?' with vigor!
We encourage all families to make use of this fantastic location, I'm sure there are some eager children keen to take their parents ponding!!!!

Sunday 8 May 2016

Lara's Got Talent 

Congratulations to the various students who are auditioning for Lara's Got Talent.  Please ask your child for further details if they are auditioning.

Friday 6 May 2016

3/4V assembly presentation 

Congratulations to all of the students for presenting a wondering assembly item.  They looked fabulous in their cowboy and cowgirl outfits.  The children all performed brilliantly, supporting their grade 2 buddies so very well.  Congratulations to them all.

 3/4 are having a brilliant week

Congratulations to 3/4V who won the Attendance Award this week.  They had the fewest absences across our team for the week.  Congratulations!!!

Thursday 5 May 2016

Welcome Mitch our visiting Bluearth Coach

On Wednesday we welcomed renowned Bluearth coach Mick to our school.  Mick took each of our classes for a 1 hour Bluearth Masterclass.  All of the children participated fully, with pleasing enthusiasm and respect.  The teachers also enjoyed this fabulous opportunity to up-skill ourselves and learn some new activities.  We look forward to Mitch returning again throughout the year.